


In the last Academic Senate our student representative, Vincenzo Giannico,presented a very interesting amendment to the 2014-2016 Three-Year Plan in which the purchase and installation of fountains (some already present in the university, but sporadically) is required. The amendment, approved unanimously, will immediately lead to 15 new stations where you can take advantage of free water and will provide for a diffusion of the same on all the Polytechnic offices over a period of months. As SvoltaStudenti seems to us a rational and right choice, the line with the Sustainable Campusproject; moreover, given the recent increase in distributor prices, it is an effective response to counteract the continuous price increasesthat grip the daily lives of our students.

Here is the text presented by Vincenzo Giannico in the Academic Senate.

The Sustainable Campus is indicated as a priority project in the strategic objectives of the Politecnico di Milano.

There are many initiatives developed so far together with the University of Milan aimed at pursuing fundamental objectives such as the reduction of waste produced through reuse and recycling,the improvement of separate collection, the development of management methods for water saving, the enhancement of green areas, energy saving,the widespread use of renewable sources and the general improvement of quality and well-being to the the interior of the university spaces.

The margins of development are certainly possible and we will have to continue to undertake targeted and punctual initiatives such as the installation of photosensitive sensors for switching on and off light sources, which if reported on a large scale against an initial investment, have brought and will certainly bring environmental and economic benefits, returning ** less CO2 emissions and freeing up more financial resources **.

For this reason I consider it **necessary **and therefore I ask that the purchase and therefore the installation of drinking water fountains in all the offices of the Politecnico di Milano be included in the 2014-2016 Three-Year Plan, to be added where possible, to the current paid distributors.

If you think that **1 kg of PET **(75 bottles of 0.5 liters) consumes 2 kg of oil and 17.5 liters of water, releasing into the atmosphere 40 g of hydrocarbons, 25 g of sulfur oxides, 20 g of nitrogen oxides, 18 g of carbon monoxide and 2.3 kg of carbon dioxide, you can easily guess what are the negative environmental impacts avoided daily if you adopted this measure, on a population of potential consumers of about 40,000 users such as that of the Politecnico di Milano.

Finally, considering the recent increase in taxation from 4% to 10% on products from automatic machines that has already led to increases of at least 10 cents on each product, we can effectively contribute to counteracting the continuous increases that sink students.

Amendment to the 2014-2016 Three-Year Plan Antonio Vincenzo Giannico

Student Representative in the Academic Senate Within the SvoltaStudenti list