

Update Graduations: Joint Communiqué

With the entry into force of the new academic calendar, the knot of the January-February appeals useful for graduating in that same session still remained to be solved.

Hence the proposal presented by the Representatives of the students in the Didactic Council and ratified this afternoon by the Academic Senate: to change the dates of the Engineering Degree exams of the month of February 2018, postponing them to the end of the session, in order to make the second appeal of the January-February session also available to graduating students.

The proposal starts from the observation that, following the introduction of the new academic calendar and the reduction to a single appeal (instead of two) for the September exam session, the February undergraduates would have had available, in relation to the exams of the second semester, 4 appeals instead of the 5 previously planned.

The proposed move allows to solve this problem, making all the appeals of the winter session useful to the Degree.

At the same time, this solution guarantees the possibility of solving a problem that is no small matter for undergraduates who have followed supernumerary Master's Degree courses: in fact, it will be possible to take advantage of all the appeals of these courses without the risk of losing the opportunity to support those positioned on a date between obtaining the three-year degree and the subsequent enrolment in the master's degree.

The degree exams for the Schools of Industrial and Information Engineering and for the School of Civil, Environmental and Territorial Engineering have therefore been rescheduled for March 2, 2018 (March 1 in the Territorial Poles).

The other deadlines related to the date of the Degrees (enrolments, closing of graduating minutes, LM enrolments and more) are postponed in coherence (we will communicate them to you as soon as they are available).

As for the AUIC School and the School of Design, it was not possible to apply the same postponement of the Degrees and therefore obtain that both the January-February appeals were useful for graduation as the Principals of these Schools did not consider it possible to postpone the deadlines related to admission to the Master's Degree and the consequent compilation of the study plan for the allocation of laboratories. In this regard, our representatives will try to present proposals to improve the management of the current system starting from the next Academic Year.