

Politecnico invests in students – AUIC Costs

On Tuesday, April 16 , the Board of Directors approved the 2018 Financial Statements and the investment plan. The analysis presented by the Rector Ferruccio Resta showed an operating result of about € 28 million, a good result for the University.

The point following the o.d.g. dealt with the investment plan that the Politecnico will face in the short and medium term.

The Strategic Plan had the following additions at the request of student and faculty representatives:

  1. Measurements dedicated to instrumentation and laboratories
  2. Sustenance to the expenses that Architecture and Design students face for revisions
  3. Additional PhD Scholarships
  4. Consolidation measures and new initiatives for Innovative Teaching
  5. Data Analytics process to analyze international student paths
  6. More resources for scientific dissemination

Point 2 is the one that stands out the most, the most important for students! We are really proud that this request of ours has been added. Specifically, these will be Poliprint vouchers given to the lowest ISEE bands to support the costs of models and revisions worth € 50 or € 100. Perhaps, as early as next September it will be possible to use them!

If you want to know more about all investments continue reading the full report.

The Rector's statements confirmed the political will to try to be efficient in operation, to pursue quality in services and spaces and to be far-sighted in investments by guaranteeing the objectives of the University's strategic plan.

Very influential will be the work done by the Polimi2040 team, a small group that has planned hypotheses about the role and shape of the university in 20 years. The main macro-area on which the proposals were articulated are the macro-trends and the role of the university, the Politecnico di Milano and its impact in the future and the medium-term strategic actions.

The vision of all this work points to three objectives: complete training of Men and Women, European university system, Politecnico as the engine of Milan. Three very ambitious but key paths of a positive development of the University.

It will help research from below, funding Type A and PhD Researchers, building new laboratories for the Chemistry and DEIB departments. Teaching will be financed, especially international and innovative. In addition, there will also be strong incentives for student teams.

Even the study and library spaces appear (obviously) among the priorities with the next interventions of Vi.You.Polymes . Perhaps there will be a chance that at BL28 the always empty catering space will become a library space.

University sport takes hold and the University has planned the end of the redevelopment of the Giuriati area: redone grass field, new athletics track, indoor multi-purpose field, indoor gym, outdoor fitness area, changing rooms and furnishings and complete rearrangement of the area.

Various building interventions and the redevelopment of the Goccia area are still included in the investments. The table below summarizes the entire investment framework:

Laboratories of the Department of Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering — Three-year plan 2.000.000
New DEIB building — PianoTriennale 2.000.000
Campus Sportivo Giuriati 1.000.000
Renovation of la Masa canteen 600.000
Completion of restoration and redevelopment of via Durando 10 (Classrooms, CompetenceCenter and Simulator) 4.000.000
Securing Buildings (CPI obtaining) 2.000.000
Aula magna De Cadi 600.000
Piacenza Barracks Neva 100.000
INVESTMENT ITEM AMOUNT IN € Seal Of Excellence(MSCA) 700.000 PhD(20 scholarships/year) 3.900.000
Implementation of Strategic Plan 20-22 4.000.000
Innovation in teaching: Innovative classrooms 600.000
MuseoPolitecnico 200.000 ViVi.Polimi—Study and faculty spaces-La Collina 3.000.000
Bovisa Gasometer Park Project 3.000.000
Aula Magna at Trifoglio 800.000

See you soon!
Alessandro De Iasio ( and Carlo Giovani (