

Lecco: extension of the opening hours of the pole and library

The new campus of the Polo di Lecco continues to grow, and we are always 100% active to feed it with our ideas to improve the condition of all the students who study there! The latest news concerns the extension of the opening of the pole,especially the library.

The initial idea was to ensure the opening of the campus on #SABATOfinoalle18** and all the issues related to budjet and safety were evaluated, first asking the students themselves to help us report needs by responding to a survey.

In collaboration with the Management of the Lecco Pole, we were able to finally obtain the extension of the opening of the pole.

In fact, last #10marzo2015 all the students of the Lecco Territorial Pole received an email in which there was this announcement:

The management of the Lecco Pole is pleased to inform that from March 16 the Lecco Pole will follow new opening hours:

  • Monday / Friday from 7.30 am to 9.30 pm
  • Saturday from 8.00 to 18.00

To adapt to the new schedules e_ in response to requests received bythe management _ the library will also extend the working hours:

#stiamolavorandodavveropervoi #werereallyworkingforyou #svoltastudentiLC #opencampus

We also received many complaints about students from other faculties who occupied the reading room and the Campus library during the exam session, not allowing the students of the pole to be able to study on campus, always finding classrooms completely full or places always occupied.

Although it is a good experience to deal with other faculties and other subjects, always in collaboration with the Management of the Lecco Pole, we managed to introduce the#ingressoconbadge,or rather with the magnetic card of the Polytechnic at the entrance of the library. Also from this week to access the reading room,you can only access it from the library.

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