What is WeBeeP?

WeBeeP is the portal of teaching and not only for the students and teachers of the Polimi. Here you will find all the courses included in the study plan at the time, activated online by the teachers, year after year. By accessing WeBeeP you can download handouts, training materials, useful tutorials and lessons, make deliveries of documents with closures temporal programmed to receive and send comments encouraging online communication and team working. There is also automatically be entered into the channel of the Board of Studies Course, where you will find the names and references of the representatives of your course and where they will be able to inform you of the news. For more details: https://webeep.polimi.it/login/index.php

FAQ - Politecnico of Milan

The University library system using their portal from which…
Yes, the Mentoring program is a great service offered…
The ISEE (Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator) is an Indicator…
As students of the Polimi you have access to…
The Politecnico di Milano has 7 houses, 5 in…
The Politecnico di Milano, on the proposal of the…
To find a classroom, you can simply look for…
The University prepares various categories of exemption from the…
2 campus Milan have a local used in the…
The Plan is presented at the beginning of the…
Many addresses of Degree Courses are taught in English,…
For students there are scholarships that can support the…

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