How can I ask for a transfer? And a transfer?

The Polytechnic university allows students, starting from the end of the first year, to request a transfer. Engineering students can generally evaluate to present, with the change to six-month Study Plan and by agreeing directly with the teacher and coordinator for the transfers, a Study Plan stand-alone for the first year that already contain the teachings of the second half of the course to which you want to switch. You can find on the website of the schools the teachers ‘ names referrals: ICAT, 3I. Other schools have different rules for the steps: the school AUIC publishes the rules on the site, while for the school of DESIGN there are two methods to perform a step of the course: – to support the test again, and if exceed, ask for the evaluation of the candidate’s academic career; – to do only request evaluation of the candidate’s academic career, which is followed by a list, with the number of seats available that vary from year to year and of course in the course. It is possible to make transfers to and from other Universities, with recognition of the candidate’s academic career for which you need to request a rating. On the website of the University are reported in detail. For more information:

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