It is organized for the Academic Year?

The Academic Year is divided into two semesters, separated from the examination session the winter, which runs from January to the second week of February, a period in which the lessons are suspended. Later in the second half of the year is the summer session, which begins in mid-June and ends at the end of July, while the recovery covers the end of August and the first half of September. For more information on the academic calendar:

FAQ - Politecnico of Milan

The Politecnico di Milano has 7 houses, 5 in…
The Politecnico di Milano, on the proposal of the…
To find a classroom, you can simply look for…
The University prepares various categories of exemption from the…
2 campus Milan have a local used in the…
The Plan is presented at the beginning of the…
Many addresses of Degree Courses are taught in English,…
For students there are scholarships that can support the…
It can happen to lose something in the University….
During the Academic Year are numerous extra activities-teaching for…
The Plan is presented at the beginning of the…
Yes, the Milan Polytechnic, she submits to his teachings,…

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