

CHRISTMAS GIFTS – Situation spaces and times in the territorial poles

Following our request sent to the pro-rectors of all the Poles last November 13, in which we underlined the need to increase the number of study rooms and extend the opening of the hours in the spaces already present, the answers arrived with the actual states and the news scheduled. Here is an overall picture of the poles of Piacenza, Cremona, Lecco and Como.

Piacenza Pole

Daytime opening: Mon-Fri 8:00 – 20:00 and Sat. 8:00-13:00 (both campuses all year round except August when there are reduced hours)

Evening opening: Mon-Fri 20:24:00 (main campus only, service suspended in August and September)

Daytime opening before holidays and holidays: Sat 13:00-19:00 and Sun. 14:00 – 19:00 (only Arata campus where there is the Library open in those hours, suspended in August)

Cremona Pole

Open until 21:00 from Monday to Friday, and until 14:00 on Saturdays.

News Extension of the opening hours until 24:00, including weekends, starting next January.

Lecco Pole

Open from Monday to Friday from 7:30 to 21:00 (from 18:15 to 21:00 with dedicated study room) and on Saturdays from 7:30 to 14:00 with the presence for shifts of TA staff.

Como Pole

Since November 2011 the Pannilani e-room( been active in Como, a space self-managed by student associations and students (with the support of the Polo), in which it is possible not only to study, but also to take courses and various initiatives.

The Pannilani e-room is inside a university residence that is about 300 meters from the University and all the students of the pole can access it.

New: Starting from the study room called "LAPS" will be available with the following times:

Monday – Friday

20:00 – 24:00


13:00 – 20:00


13:00 – 24:00

The service will be available experimentally for three months.

Best wishes from Svoltastudenti!!!