

A body of water in Candiani: dream or reality?

On October 25th, 2022, during a meeting of the Board of Directors, of which I am a member, this curious project to de-impermeabilize and green the Durando Campus was presented: I must admit that at first I was taken aback when I saw that the project involved the insertion of a “body of water” (let’s say a puddle) inside the Oval. However, as a frequent visitor of the B2, I must admit that in recent times the ground of the Oval has been affected by some problems, indeed it is often damp and muddy despite the dry 35-degree weather outside.

The intent of the project immediately seemed noble to me: it involved the replacement of numerous parking spaces for professors with outdoor study areas wired with many new trees and bushes (to envy Renzo Piano’s project in Leonardo, in short).

Despite this, I was not the only one to express perplexity about the lake, so the project went into revision, which is still ongoing and on which we are waiting for updates: the fairly certain thing is that the body of water will not occupy our beloved Oval, where we can continue to sunbathe and drink beers, hopefully with less humidity than usual.

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